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  1. 2006-12-09 08:02:11上传人:发如**的泪
  2. Aa
一、《中国人口统计年鉴—2006》是一部全面反映中华人民共和国各种人口状况的资料性年刊。本书收集了全国和各省、自治区、直辖市大量的人口数据,以及世界部分国家的主要人口数据。 二、全书内容分为八部分:(一)全国及各地区2005年1%人口抽样调查主要数据公报;(二)2005年全国1%人口抽样调查数据;(三)全国历年人口统计数据;(四)2005年度全国户籍统计人口数据;(五)2005年度全国计划生育统计人口数据;(六)世界部分国家主要人口数据;(七)简明分析文章;(八)2005年全国1%人口抽样调查重要文件。 三、2005年全国1%人口抽样调查是以全国为总体,各省、自治区、直辖市为次总体,采用分层等距、概率比例整群抽样方法,在全国31个省、自治区、直辖市抽取了2869个县(市、区)、21181个乡(镇、街道)、77417个调查小区的1699万人。经加权后汇总,2005年全国人口出生率为12.40‰,死亡率为6.51‰,自然增长率为5.89‰。按此推算,2005年末全国总人口为130756万人,出生人口为1617万人,死亡人口为849万人,净增人口为768万人。本书第二部分各表的绝对数为样本数(表2—1除外),全国抽样比为1.325%。 四、为了满足社会各部门的需要,年鉴收录了2005年全国1%人口抽样调查和户籍统计等多方面的人口资料。由于统计方法和口径的不同,这些调查之间的数据不可能完全一致,请读者在使用时加以注意。 五、除注明含中国人民解放军现役军人和台湾省、香港和澳门特别行政区人数的表外,其他表均为各省、自治区、直辖市的人口数。 六、本年鉴的编辑得到公安部治安管理局、国家人口和计划生育委员会计划财务司等单位的大力支持和协助,谨此致谢。 七、本年鉴表中的“—”表示该项统计指标数据不详或无该项数据。 Ⅰ. China Population Statistical Yearbook 2006 is an annual statistical publication,which covers very comprehensive data series on the population at national level and local levels of province, autonomous region, and municipalities directly under the central government as well as main population indicators of other country in the world. Ⅱ. The book contain the following eight parts, 1. Communiques on the national 1% population sample survey by region in 2005;2. Figures of the 2005 national 1% population sample survey; 3. Figures of population statistics over the past years; 4. Figures of the household registration in 2005;5. Figures of the family planning statistics in 2005; 6. Demographic data for some countries of the world; 7. Papers on population statistics; 8. Main documents of the national 1% population sample survey in 2005. Ⅲ. The reference time of the 2005 national 1% population survey was in zero hour of November 1st.2005, The sample survey was using the multi-stage systematic PPES cluster sampling scheme. Taking the whole nation as the population and each province,autonomous region or municipality as the sub-population. A total of 16. 99 million people were selected as the sample from 77417 enumeration districts in 21181 township (towns or street committees) in 2869 counties(cities or district) of the 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. The weighted estimation procedure suggested the crude birth rate is 12. 40%, the crude death rate is 6. 51‰ and the rate of natural increase is 5. 89‰ for China in 2005. Based on these rates, it was further estimated that China had a total population 1307. 56 million at the end of 2005, with 16. 17 million births, 8. 49 million deaths and a net increase of 7.68 million people during the year.The most of tabulation in the part two of yearbook is sample data (except table 2-1).The sampling fraction is 1.325%. Ⅳ. In order to meet the needs of different departments and institution, the book contain the data from various sources, such as the 2005 national 1% population sample survey, household registration, as the definition and method of data collection are not same as well as some other reason, the data under the same or similar heading may be different. When using the data, readers should pay attention to this. Ⅴ. Unless specified, all the data refer to the total population of the 31 provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities of China excluding the military personnel, the population of Hong Kang /Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan province. Ⅵ. We would express our thanks to the Department of Planning and Financing of National population and Family Planning Commission of China, the Public Order Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security P. R. China for providing the data for this yearbook. Ⅶ. The symbols "-" in the tables of this yearbook: refer to data unknown or not available.





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