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  1. 2022-03-24 18:02:15上传人:所叹**更寒
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《中国城市统计年鉴》是全面反映中国城市社会经济发展情况的资料性年刊。《中国城市统计年鉴2021》收录了2020年全国各级城市社会经济发展等方面的主要统计数据,数据来源于各城市的相关部门。 本年鉴内容共分四个部分:第一部分是全国城市行政区划,列有不同区域、不同级别的城市分布情况;第二、三部分分别是地级以上城市统计资料和县级城市统计资料,具体包括人口、资源环境、经济发展、科技创新、人民生活、公共服务、基础设施等方面的数据;第四部分是附录,为主要统计指标解释。需要说明的是,从1997年开始,地级以上城市和县级城市分别采用不同的统计制度,有些指标在两类城市之间不具有可比性,故本年鉴将地级以上城市和县级城市统计资料分为独立的两部分。此外,根据数据发布相关规定,经征求有关部门的意见,停止发布一些指标,如“专利申请数”“按产业、行业划分的城镇单位就业人员”等,暂停发布一些指标,如“户籍人口”“R&D内部经费支出”等,并对部分指标名称及指标解释进行了调整。 本年鉴所涉及的全国或全部城市统计资料,均未包括香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区和台湾省。年鉴表中所列“全市”为城市的全部行政区域,包括城区、辖县、辖市;“市辖区”包括所有城区,不包括辖县和辖市。本年鉴各表中的空格表示该项统计指标数据不详或无该项数据。 本年鉴适用于各级政府管理部门、城市规划设计部门、城市社会经济研究机构、市政建设及房地产机构、各种中介服务及信息咨询机构等单位的工作者,也是大专院校师生、工商界人士、境外投资者以及关心中国城市发展的各界人士的重要参考资料。 本年鉴的编辑出版得到了国家统计局农村社会经济调查司、各省(区、市)统计局、各调查总队、各市统计局和调查队以及中国统计出版社的鼎力支持,在此表示衷心的感谢。 本年鉴编印工作量大,出版时间紧,难免有不当之处,诚恳欢迎广大读者批评指正。 China City Statistical Yearbook is an annual statistical publication.China City Statistical Yearbook 2021 reflects comprehensively the economic and social development of Cities in China.It covers the main socio-economic statistical data of cities at all levels for 2020,the data comes from the relevant departments of each city. The Yearbook contains four parts:Part Ⅰ is the administrative division of all cities,listing city distribution by region and level;Part Ⅱ and Part Ⅲ are the statistical data of cities at prefecture level and above,and county-level respectively on population,resources and environment,economy development,scientific and technological innovation,people's livelihood,public service,infrastructure;Part Ⅳ is appendix of explanatory notes on main statistical indicators.It is necessary to point out that cities at prefecture level and above and county-level have used different indicator systems of statistics since 1997,and some indicators in two categories of cities are not comparable.So the data of cities at prefecture level and above and the data of cities at county-level are divided into two independent parts in the yearbook.In addition,according to the relevant regulations of data release,after consulting the relevant departments,we stopped publishing some indicators,such as"number of patent applications","persons Employed in urban units according to three strata of industry and sector in detail",and suspended some indicators,such as "household registered" and"R&D internal expenditure",and adjusted some indicators and indicators. The national data in this yearbook do not include those of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region,Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan Province."Total City" listed in the data refers to all administrative regions of the city,including the city districts,counties and the city at lower level;"Districts under City" includes all the city districts,not including counties and the city at lower level.The blank forms in the tables in this yearbook indicates that relevant statistical data are unknown or not available. The Yearbook is compiled for the users working in government departments,city planning departments,institutes of urban socio-economic research,municipal construction and real estateagencies,intermediary services,information consulting agencies and other so on,and it is an important reference book for college teachers and students,businessmen,overseas investors as well as users paying close attention to the development of Chinese cities. The editing and publishing of the yearbook have been fully supported by the Department of Rural Surveys of NBS,Bureaus of Statistics and Survey Offices of NBS at provincial prefecture andcounty level,and China Statistics Press.Here we would like to express our heart felt thanks to them. Department of Urban Surveys National Bureau of Statistics of China December,2021





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