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  1. 2019-06-25 15:02:09上传人:ma**般的
  2. Aa
一、为全面反映我国城乡市政公用设施建设与发展状况,方便国内外各界了解中国城乡建设全貌,我们编辑了《中国城乡建设统计年鉴》《中国城市建设统计年鉴》和《中国县城建设统计年鉴》中英文对照本,每年公布一次,供社会广大读者作为资料性书籍使用。 二、本年鉴的统计范围 设市城市的城区:市本级(1)街道办事处所辖地域;(2)城市公共设施、居住设施和市政公用设施等连接到的其他镇(乡)地域;(3)常住人口在3000人以上独立的工矿区、开发区、科研单位、大专院校等特殊区域。 县城:(1)县政府驻地的镇、乡或街道办事处地域(城关镇);(2)县城公共设施、居住设施和市政公用设施等连接到的其他镇(乡)地域;(3)常住人口在3000人以上独立的工矿区、开发区、科研单位、大专院校等特殊区域。 村镇:政府驻地的公共设施和居住设施没有和城区(县城)连接的建制镇、乡和镇乡级特殊区域。 三、2019年底全国境内31个省、自治区、直辖市,共有684个设市城市,1494个县(含自治县、旗、自治旗、林区、特区。下同),21013个建制镇,9221个乡(含民族乡、苏木、民族苏木。下同),53.3万个行政村。 四、本年鉴根据各省、自治区和直辖市建设行政主管部门上报的2019年城乡建设统计数据编辑,由城市(城区)、县城、村镇三部分组成: (一)城市(城区)部分,统计了675个城市、4个特殊区域。4个特殊区域包括河北省白沟新城、吉林省长白山保护开发区、陕西省杨凌区和宁夏回族自治区宁东。 (二)县城部分,统计了1503个县和13个特殊区域。河北省邢台县、沧县,山西省泽州县,辽宁省抚顺县、铁岭县,河南省安阳县,新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐县、和田县等8个县,因与所在城市市县同城,县城部分不含上述县城数据,数据含在其所在城市中;福建省金门县暂无数据资料。 13个特殊区域包括河北省曹妃甸区,黑龙江省加格达奇区,江西省庐山风景区,湖北省神农架林区,湖南省望城区、南岳区、大通湖区,海南省洋浦开发区,贵州省六枝特区,云南省昆明阳宗海风景名胜区,宁夏回族自治区红寺堡开发区,青海省海北州府西海镇、大柴旦行委。 (三)村镇部分,统计了18746个建制镇、9478个乡、462个镇乡级特殊区域和251.3万个自然村(其中村民委员会所在地51.5万个)。 五、本年鉴数据不包括香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区以及台湾省。 六、本年鉴中除人均住宅建筑面积、人均日生活用水外,所有人均指标、普及率指标均以户籍人口与暂住人口合计为分母计算。 七、本年鉴中“—”表示本数据不足本表最小单位数。 八、本年鉴中部分数据合计数或相对数由于单位取舍不同而产生的计算误差,均没有进行机械调整。 九、为促进中国建设行业统计信息工作的发展,欢迎广大读者提出改进意见。 1.China Urban-Rural Construction Statistical Yearbook,China Urban Construction Statistical Yearbook and China County Seat Construction Statistical Yearbook are published annually in both Chinese and English languages to provide comprehensive information on urban and rural service facilities development in China.Being the source of facts,the yearbooks help to facilitate the understanding of people from all walks of life at home and abroad on China's urban and rural development. 2.Coverage of the statistics Urban Areas:(1) areas under the jurisdiction of neighborhood administration;(2) other towns(townships)connected to urban public facilities,residential facilities and municipal utilities;(3) special areas like independent industrial and mining districts,development zones,research institutes,and universities and colleges with permanent residents of 3000 and above. County Seat Areas:(1) towns and townships where county governments are situated and areas under the jurisdiction of neighborhood administration;(2) other towns(townships) connected to county seat public facilities,residential facilities and municipal utilities;(3) special areas like independent industrial and mining districts,development zones,research institutes,and universities and colleges with permanent residents of 3000 and above. Villages and Small Towns Areas:towns,townships and special district at township level of which public facilities and residential facilities are not connected to those of cities(county seats). 3.There were a total of 684 cities,1440 counties(including autonomous counties,banners,autonomous banners,forest districts,and special districts),21013 towns,9221 townships(including minority townships,Sumus and minority Sumus),and 533 thousand administrative villages in all the 31 provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities across China by the end of 2019. 4.The yearbook is complied based on statistical data on urban and rural construction in year 2019 that were reported by construction authorities of provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government.The yearbook is composed of statistics for three parts,namely statistics for cities(urban districts),county seats,and villages and small towns. (1) In the part of Cities(Urban Districts),data are from from 675cities,4 special zones.Baigouxincheng in Hebei Province,Changbai Mountain Protection and Development District in Jilin Province,Yangling District in Shaanxi Province and Ningdong in ningxia Autonomous Region are classified as city. (2) In the part of County Seats,data is from 1503 counties,13 special zones and districts.Data from 8 counties including Xingtai and Cangxian County in Hebei Province,Zezhou County in Shanxi Province,Fushun and Tieling County in Liaoning Province,Anyang County in Henan Province,and Urumqi and Hetian County in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region are included in the statistics of the respective cities administering the above counties due to the identity of the location between the county seats and the cities;data on Jinmen County in Fujian Province has not been available at the moment. 13 special zones and districts include Caofeidian in Hebei Province,Jiagedaqi in Heilongjiang Province, Mount Lushan Scenic Spot in Jiangxi Province,Shennongjia Forestry District in Hubei Province,Wangcheng District,Nanyue District and Datong Lake District in Hunan Province,Yangpu Development Zone in Hainan Province,Liuzhite District in Guizhou Province,Kunming Yangzonghai Scenic Spot in Yunnan Province,Hongsibao Development Zone in Ningxia Autonomous Region,and Xihai Town and Dachaidan Administrative Commission in Haibei Prefecture of Qinghai Province. (3) In the part of Villages and Towns,statistics is based on data from 18746 towns,9478townships,462special areas at the level of town and township,and 2.513 million natural villages including 515 thousand villages where villagers' committees are situated. 5.This Yearbook does not include data of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region,Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan Province. 6.All the per capita and coverage rate data in this Yearbook,except the per capita residential floor area and per capita daily consumption of domestic water,are calculated using the sum of resident and non-resident population as a denominator. 7.In this yearbook “—” indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in the table. 8.The calculation errors of the total or relative value of some data in this Yearbook arising from the use of different measurement units have not been mechanically aligned. 9.Any comments to improve the quality of the yearbook are welcomed to promote the advancement in statistics in China's construction industry.





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