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一、《中国能源统计年鉴》是一部全面反映中国能源建设、生产、消费、供需平衡的权威性资料书,从1986年开始,由国家统计局工业交通统计司主编。2008年版起,由国家统计局能源统计司主编,中国统计出版社出版,向国内外公开发行。 二、为满足广大读者对中国能源统计数据的需求,提高数据应用的时效性,从2004年起,《中国能源统计年鉴》由每两年出版一册改为每年出版一册。 三、《中国能源统计年鉴》共分为7个篇章:1.综合;2.能源建设;3.能源生产;4.能源消费;5.全国能源平衡表;6.地区能源平衡表;7.香港、澳门特别行政区能源数据;附录内容为台湾地区及有关国家和地区能源数据、主要统计指标解释以及各种能源折标准煤参考系数。 四、本书大部分资料来源于国家统计局年度统计报表及《中国统计年鉴》。全国统计数字均未包括香港、澳门特别行政区和台湾地区。能源平衡表核算范围不包括非商品能源,西藏自治区能源平衡表数据暂缺。 五、本书中,中国能源数据截止到2020年,世界和各国及地区能源数据截止到2019年。部分指标存在总计不等于分项之和情况,是数据四舍五入所致,未作机械调整。 六、符号使用说明:年鉴各表中“空格”及“-”表示该项统计指标数据不足本表最小位数、数据不详或无该项数据;“#”表示其中的主要项。 七、本书中,行业分类均采用2017年版最新行业分类标准。 China Energy Statistical Yearbook is an annual statistical publication,which covers very comprehensive data in energy construction,production,consumption,equilibrium of supply and demand in an all-round way,established in 1986,edited by Department of Industry and Transport Statistics,National Bureau of Statistics.2008 annual is edited by Department of Energy Statistics,National Bureau of Statistics,published by China Statistics Press,to the domestic and international public publication. In order to satisfy the masses of readers' demands for China energy statistics,improve the efficiency and timeliness of the data use,since 2004,China Energy Statistical Yearbook is published one volume every year instead of one volume every 2 years. China Energy Statistical Yearbook consists of seven chapters:1.General Survey;2.Construction of Energy Industry;3.Energy Production;4.Energy Consumption;5.Energy Balance Table of China;6.Energy Balance Table by Region;7.Energy data for Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Region.Additional information provided in the appendices include major energy data for Taiwa,energy data for related countries or areas,explanatory notes of main statistical indicators and conversion factors from physical units to coal equivalent. Annual statistical reports from the National Bureau of Statistics and the China Statistical Yearbook are the main data sources of this document.However,the national data in this book does not include that of the Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Region,the Taiwan.Also,the data in the energy balance tables does not cover non-commercial energy.The Tibet energy balance data is unavailable yet. The China energy data were by the year of 2020,energy data for the world and other countries or area were by the year of 2019.Statistical discrepancies on totals due to rounding are not adjusted in the yearbook. Notations used in the yearbook:(blank space and-) indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in the table,or data are unknown or are not available;"#"indicates a major breakdown of the total. Classification for national standard of industry classification is implementing new version of 2017 except legal entities.





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